Birthday Gift to Rayaru – Develop a Personal Relationship

Updated Post : Saturday March 9th 2024. Friday March 15th 2024.

16th SaturdayUSA and IndiaSri Raghavendra Swamy Vardhanti

How do you develop a personal relationship you may ask? Sharing my thoughts.

Developing a personal relationship with Rayaru involves cultivating a deep sense of devotion, surrendering to him unconditionally, and trusting in his teachings and guidance.

Here are some ways in which you can develop a personal relationship with our Beloved Rayaru:

  1. Chant his name: Chanting Om Sri Raghavendraya Namaha and offering prayers is a powerful way to connect with Rayaru on a personal level. You can chant his name, recite his stotras, Dasara Padagalu or offer prayers in front of his picture, have a Mritika Brindavana, or even books written by Rayaru in your prayer room.
  2. Visit Rayara Mutta: Visiting mutta associated with Rayaru is a powerful way to connect with him and feel his presence. There are muttas dedicated to Sri Raghavendra Swamy all across the world. It’s impossible to convey the calmness and peacefulness you experience when you visit a mutta and sit in front of Rayaru Brindavana and offer your prayers.
  3. Serve others selflessly: Rayaru emphasized the importance of serving others selflessly as a means of showing devotion to God. By serving others without any expectation of reward or recognition, you can develop a sense of humility and devotion that is central to Sri Raghavendra Swamy’s teachings. This is truly challenging for us as human beings. We are naturally selfish and tend to focus on our own needs and desires. Serving others requires putting the needs of others before our own, which can be difficult for some people. The proverb “What the right hand gives, the left hand should never know” is highly applicable in this situation.
  4. Regularly read and study his teachings: Sri Raghavendra Swamy’s teachings are available in various forms, including books, audio recordings, and online resources. By studying his teachings, you can gain a deeper understanding of his philosophy and teachings. If you ask me, where should I begin, start with the book I shared here – ” The Bhagavad Gita – based on Shri Raghavendra Teertha’s Gita Vivruti”.

Remember that developing a personal relationship with Sri Raghavendra Swamy is a personal journey that requires faith, devotion, and a deep sense of surrender. With dedication and commitment, you can cultivate a meaningful and transformative relationship with Rayaru.

If you want to start by learning devotional songs, devaranamas/ Dasara songs this blog itself has hundreds of them on Gurugalu.


Here are the links for the The Bhagavad Gita – based on Shri Raghavendra Teertha’s Gita Vivruti.




8 responses to this post.

  1. Posted by shalini on June 24, 2023 at 8:07 am

    This is very beautiful. Best way. Rayaru cares each and every human being. There is no caste , creed or religion. Every living being is cared. Rich or poor, literate, illiterates, people at distress. Whether people are around or not. Rayaru is there for people at distress. Rayaru is caring. He knows what is right. He stands by every minute and never expects anything from his devotees. He cares cares and cares.


  2. Posted by shalini on June 23, 2023 at 11:09 am

    Thanks a lot for sharing.Lots of love aunty🥰.
    Om Sri Raghavendraya Namaha. 🙏🌹.


  3. Namaskara Meera Avare,
    Thanks for sharing them. I came across this link
    How do I download the ebook for free? Please let me know if you do. Thank you 🙂


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